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Tagged: spiritual awakening, spiritual teachers
This topic contains 22 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by finn hilton 2 years, 8 months ago.
March 1, 2021 at 12:34 AM #8981
“limited mind further conditioned to ignore what is and believe its perceptions are real and all that is.”
This is very true Peter, I recall now that was a big part of why, when everything looked the same, but at the same moment was very different to before. The difference was, there was no perception, it was direct knowing or being beyond any doubt. Even to looked at a flower, it just is, there was no I “think” it is or separation. Little “I” had forgotten about that. Thank you Peter.
March 1, 2021 at 8:21 PM #8983yes, John. Very good realization. I like to think of this now not as awakening or enlightenment, but as simple evolution. Awakening or enlightenment sound special and that is part of an old paradigm. Evolution is simply a natural function of life. And evolution is what we are experiencing. Because all of our thoughts and language itself are based on this old paradigm, it hold us back from evolving to the new paradigm. They keep us trapped in the past. As contemporary quantum physics demonstrates what we perceive as matter, physical existence, is really pure energy. There is actually no matter, but that is what we have been taught to perceive and with the help of our conditioned thoughts and limited senses that is what most of us do perceive. What we are evolving to is pure energy and this evolution is beginning to accelerate. A few thousand years ago an evolved human was very rare: Buddha, Jesus, etc. Today Rick Archer has already interviewed over 500 people in various stages of this evolution and science is reluctantly converging with ancient spiritual wisdom. It’s a beautiful thing to see and we are extremely fortunate to be alive at this time and help in whatever way we can to keep the momentum building, which it will anyway. This is a massive change from matter to pure energy and eventually to pure consciousness itself.
There is always resistance to evolution. It’s no different this time. But resist or not, it happens anyway. The more we let go of our thoughts, any sense of separation, and focus on energy rather than thought the less resistance and the more the powerful wave of evolution sweeps us along.
March 10, 2021 at 7:05 AM #9008There is a tendency to continue finding new teachers that resonate for where I’m at in the moment. I’ve moved from Michael Singer to Eckhart Tolle to Ramana Maharshi, a bit of Ram Dass and Papaji. I’ve found beautiful insights in A Course In Miracles and The Law of One. I let the current of life bring me its treasures. Current(ly) I find myself deeply resonating with the energy and message of Peter Cutler :). Based on guidance in a video from same I just listened to a seminar of Byron Katie’s “The Work”. The messages that are resonating the most with me right now is the space exercise, everything being “the light of God” (that is an incredible experience, deepening the connection to love as it removes separation). I have very much appreciated the guidance on this website about fluctuations–moving from an experience of connection back to one of separation–as I have struggled at times with acceptance of that part of the journey. Seeing God/Love/Self in all things…such a beautiful transcendent blessing…
March 25, 2021 at 12:20 PM #9046So, this is kind of still new for me. I think my awakening was triggered by a misdiagnosis of a serious illness. When I found out I didn’t have it, it was like everything collapsed over me because I had started to identify as the disease and NOT myself. Plus COVID and the uncertainty of what will happen in the future probably helped. The first teacher I found was Christina Lopes and I consumed her YouTube material like I couldn’t possibly get enough. At some point, I managed to find Ram Dass and when I started to read his stuff, I knew I had found my teacher and my Guru (Neem Karoli Baba or Maharajji). I have read 4 of Ram Dass books, and I have another coming soon. I have listened to 52 episodes of his podcast and plan to listen to all of them. I feel like I can’t learn enough.
There are things things that happen that I can’t explain and I attribute to my awakening, but at the same time, it’s hard to not have someone to talk to about this. My husband is very logical and pragmatic and I was frankly surprised he was ok with letting me create a puja table, but he was. He doesn’t want to hear all the weird stuff though. I am hoping to connect to more people who are experiencing this because I don’t know what to expect and it is so varied depending on the teacher or the philosophy. For example, I found myself suddenly a vegetarian. I mean, I eat cheese and butter and milk, but no meat. No chicken or read meat or pork, although sometimes I do still have seafood, but even that is on the way out I think. My whole life I have been a meat eater and loved a good steak. Now, I couldn’t eat it if you paid me. It grosses me out. I also hear things. I know that makes me sound like a loon, but there are times when I can hear something like a radio or tv on in another room, so faint enough I can’t make it out but loud enough I can hear it. Sometimes it’s music, sometimes it’s speech. I know there is nothing on in the house because it is typically when I go to bed at night that I hear it and everything is off. I can’t sleep either. I am awake before the sun and awake 10 times all night long. I am not tired during the day though, like I would expect. Sometimes I feel like I can actually feel the energy moving around inside of me when i am in meditation, but not always. I find myself totally taken in by something like a sunset or sunrise or a bird or a tree. I don’t know what I am supposed to be doing to assist this process or what I shouldn’t be doing. I am trying the best I can to NOT control things, which is an issue for me, but I am getting better. Anyone who can help me, I would love to hear from you.September 6, 2021 at 2:35 PM #9414A little seagull named Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
October 25, 2021 at 8:44 AM #9521Nice poem,John.
October 25, 2021 at 8:56 AM #9522My awakening came in a flash,after 30 years of seeking. I was in my cardiologist’s office, where she was telling me my heart function was down to 25%. Bam! My consciousness flipped. I finally got it. After 65 years of suffering,physical (5 heart attacks,4 strokes,etc.) and spiritual. I finally was ready to die & live. My introduction to my new life was “The Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer. I’m holding the book close as my guide.
July 19, 2022 at 6:19 AM #10046Chanakya is my spiritual teacher I can say
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