Monk, mystic, author, artist and spiritual teacher, Peter is a spiritual catalyst. He helps birth the awakened consciousness that lies hidden in most of us. Although it lies hidden behind the conditioned thoughts of the dream world, it is always here ready to awaken.
Peter fully awakened when he was only twenty-two years old. After ten days living in this awakened consciousness, he promptly fell back into the dream of separation. This began a forty-year spiritual search that finally flowered as the lasting state of awakened consciousness it is today. You can read more about this here: Radiant Light and Love–A Spiritual Biography
Peter is a vehicle that allows others to experience their True Awakened Nature. Thanks to the great freedom Peter has realized and embodies, an energetic transmission often occurs in his presence. This happens through the Living Awake Groups, individual sessions, workshops, retreats, writing, videos, The Zen of Love, and the energetic transmission that come through his Zen paintings. Access to most of this is available on this website. You can read more about Peter in this post: A Mountain Monk
Peter Cutler is a Buddha, a regular man who has somehow awakened. Just read his words and it is evident. His words are carried with light. His words are beautiful wisdom. They move me beyond words, out of this dream world to the world of only Truth. He is a Mystic for our time. I am deeply grateful.”
– Lin Shanti Goodman“Peter, I just have to thank you! Even in just 2 sessions of working with you, it has been the exact breakthrough I was seeking, and the biggest breakthrough in recent memory, maybe ever. My intuition had been telling me to contact you for some time. Now I stay in the question during meditation, contemplating in great awe and wonder what is this consciousness, who is the I Am? The possibilities once again feel endless, whereas I had hit a block prior to meeting you, despite feeling a deep alignment with the I Am. I look forward to the continuous unfoldment. Blessings on your Service!”
– Miguel Montoya“Wednesday’s Satsang, my first Satsang with you, was one of the most important events in my life. It was the polar opposite of what I’d been learning for the past year. Your instruction is, quite simply, life-saving. I am so honored to be receiving your teachings, and to be receiving teachings that are so meaningful and true. I have spent the last two-and-a-half days putting into practice what you taught me on Wednesday. This is possibly the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Thank you for bringing out the courage in me.”
– Wendy Thomas“I woke up this morning elated. I’ve just been bouncing around happily. Reaching a solid state of peace/bliss that seems very persistent. Yay!
Thanks for the wonderful session last night.”
– Justin Riddle“Again, I had an amazing experience this last Monday. And it is still inside of me and dwelling! After the self-inquiry I developed this wonderful feeling of love and joy bubbling in me and soothing me. Rather than worrying about stuff i felt more trust. And the feeling is still here even 4 days after. It is truly amazing and I am so grateful to learn from this group. Thank you Peter.”
– Alexandra Anasova
I sendt a message to you, Peter, some time ago. There might off course be a number of reasons for no reply. So far. So I am checking whether or not you received it?
I did not receive it or it got lost somehow. Please send again.
Hey Peter I was actually wondering if I can contact you personally or if you no anyone I can please talk to???
Yes, Aimee. There are instructions for how to do this on the website and you can also email me through the contact form on the website or my personal email which is
A year ago I was a non-spiritual person by definition.
Every spiritual person was considered a “Stupid tree hugger”.
One day on the train I was looking for Vince Flynn “executive power” free audiobook on youtube but instead, I found “The power of now”. with no other alternative, I listened on.
To my amazement, I soon realized that the man speaking (Ekhart.T) is 100% right.
Then I’ve listened again and like peeling off a cheap suit, the Mind made self-story collapsed and I was looking at my mind from the outside (now I know it is called “The watcher”.) then the bliss wave came, at the beginning like a tsunami covering everything with high energy inner body explosions while my poor mind silently shouting in the background “WTF WTF WTF is happening ? this is real!! it is real! WTF”.
Since then I’ve experienced a few big waves and more daily small intervals of bliss waves.
Usually while doing my 20 min meditation on the train to my non-spiritual IT job or while acknowledging my knowing what I am not (MMS).
Although I have to admit that I got quite attached to the daily bliss waves, after reading repeating testimonies, I understand that someday it will be gone. (hopefully not anytime soon).
don’t know if I am a spirit in a form or a form inside the spirit or nighter.
I just know it is a bliss to be alive. (LOL)
Love you all.
Wonderful description, Ner. Thank you for sharing it. Yes, to truly be alive, is bliss. Don’t worry about the experience of bliss fading. It will or it won’t. Just be present. Now there is bliss. Wonderful. Awesome. Enjoy. And I think some reading this can even feel this bliss themselves simply reading what you wrote, just as I do. Thank you, My Friend. This bliss is actually ALWAYS here. And it was here before you became aware of it. It is only when our mind is distracted that we don’t experience it. So there is clearly a great deal of distraction conditioned into the human mind because most people do not experience this bliss you are now experiencing. If you check in while the experience is happening, you may also realize that this is always here even when you’re not aware of it. That will make it easier to be aware of it and stay aware of it. Thank you, My Friend.
Yours in Bliss,
Hi Pamela,
You are not lacking within. Nobody is lacking within. But we are all lacking without. We are all lacking when we focus on what is outside of us, what is outside our True Self. So this idea of a separate self, a separate me, is also outside of our True Self. It is a creation of thoughts. This will always feel lacking. And this is important. It is wonderful. If this separate self did not feel lacking, we would be satisfied with it and we would never develop a spiritual practice to discover our True Self. So this dissatisfaction is very good.
It is very prevalent in this rich country because this country is the most addicted to this separate, independent self of all countries. When Asian teachers, like the Dalai Lama and various Zen masters came to the United States, they heard many students speak about lack of self love and lack of self confidence and even self hatred. At first these teachers did not know what this meant. In their cultures they did not experience this. The sense of self is not so separate and independent. It is connected to the family, society, etc. These cultures were not as self-centered as our culture. But, after seeing this over and over again, they realized it was a real problem for these students. But also it was a great opportunity. This self-centered focus we have in the west creates a lot of suffering, as you pointed out. This is very true. The US is the wealthiest country, or was until recently, but it is also probably the most unhappy. All this suffering must eventually lead one to search for an end to this suffering and the discovery of happiness. This was also the Buddha’s search. The Buddha’s search led to full enlightenment. So this is also the opportunity for all of us in the west. We can use all this suffering to make us very determined to find an end to suffering.
We have tried the self-centered way, and, at some point, we realize it doesn’t work. Because we have tried it and experienced the suffering that comes from this approach to life, we have the direct experience of it not working. This is very good. To understand life, we must have a direct experience of life, not merely thoughts about it. Experiencing what does not work, is almost as good as experiencing what does, as long as we pay attention.
Your awareness of this is very good. We cannot awaken without direct awareness of what is going on. We can never truly love this independent, separate self we believe we are because we are really not this at all. When we discover what we truly are, our True Self, love is natural and inevitable. We cannot not love This. This is the very nature of love itself. We find there is no independent, separate self to love, there is just love. The experience of no separation, no separate self, is love.
I hope this helps.
As a practitioner of Religious Scirnce I pray for others with the love of spirit all of the time. Still, I know I am lacking within. I know this from the partners I have chosen. I wonder why this lack of self love is so prevalent in this rich county. And I am open to these suggestions. Thankyou.