A beautiful, clear and accessible teaching by Adyashanti on seeing the world as it is, removing the thought filters of the past so we can be fully present to what is and to what we are.
About Peter
Monk, mystic, author, artist and spiritual teacher, Peter is a spiritual catalyst, helping people discover their True Awakened Nature. See more here: https://n-lightenment.com/about-2/
Laura Ellensays
Clarity of thought and teaching. Truth. Humility. Love.
I have a question.
So if the present moment is perfect.. do we not need to change the world? I am very interested in healthy food and animal protection. Is this a distraction from the mind or is it still ok to “fight” for sth?
The present moment, the world, you are completely perfect in every moment. Without the illusion of our conditioned thoughts, this is very clear. Part of this perfection is that life always acts for the highest benefit of all. As we are not separate from all of life, are life itself, we also act for the highest benefit of all in each moment. I wouldn’t call it “fighting”. It is simply always acting for the highest benefit for all.
When we believe there is some separate self that must act, help the world, or do something, we usually just contribute more suffering for ourself and others. When we act for the highest benefit for all, it is not our mind or our separate ego self that understands how to do this. In surrendering this, in emptying the mind, life itself acts through this body in ways that are for the highest benefit for all. We as a separate self with our limited knowledge do not know how to do this. We simply get out of the way and it happens. It has nothing at all to do with our thoughts, beliefs, knowledge or opinions. It is simply life being life.
Clarity of thought and teaching. Truth. Humility. Love.
Yes, wonderful, isn’t it? 🙂
I have a question.
So if the present moment is perfect.. do we not need to change the world? I am very interested in healthy food and animal protection. Is this a distraction from the mind or is it still ok to “fight” for sth?
The present moment, the world, you are completely perfect in every moment. Without the illusion of our conditioned thoughts, this is very clear. Part of this perfection is that life always acts for the highest benefit of all. As we are not separate from all of life, are life itself, we also act for the highest benefit of all in each moment. I wouldn’t call it “fighting”. It is simply always acting for the highest benefit for all.
When we believe there is some separate self that must act, help the world, or do something, we usually just contribute more suffering for ourself and others. When we act for the highest benefit for all, it is not our mind or our separate ego self that understands how to do this. In surrendering this, in emptying the mind, life itself acts through this body in ways that are for the highest benefit for all. We as a separate self with our limited knowledge do not know how to do this. We simply get out of the way and it happens. It has nothing at all to do with our thoughts, beliefs, knowledge or opinions. It is simply life being life.