You are not your body or your mind. In this video, we will explore what you really are beyond the limitations of body and mind, your True Unlimited Nature.
About Peter
Monk, mystic, author, artist and spiritual teacher, Peter is a spiritual catalyst, helping people discover their True Awakened Nature. See more here:
It is amazing that the truth of your communications can be so ‘real’ yet delivered through the digital medium of the internet across oceans
I have been around here a few years and I feel like I know you – and see you – beyond body and mind (the sharing consciousness)
You have reinforced my awakening – the awakening we here have no choice in – or we would not be here
BUT PETER I still want to just drop the awakening for a moment – be completely UNAWARE – Just so that I can give you a GREAT BIG HUG and look in to your eyes and tell you how lucky I feel that you are here in the world
And a hug right back, Chris. Thank you.