Dana means donations. Monasteries, Zendos, Ashrams and spiritual teachers survive on the donations they receive from those they serve. For a long time I offered my teaching and healing for free. It seemed right to do this. After all, this really flows through me and not from me as an individual separate person. I felt I could neither take personal credit for it nor charge for it. But now that I am serving many more people and reaching people on-line as well, expenses have arisen that were not here before.
Charging for spiritual work can be a tricky business and I am very aware of this. Too often I have seen spiritual teachers place money over the pure flow of infinite wisdom that is owned by no individual person. And this has certainly lessened and even corrupted the effectiveness of their teaching in spite of its apparent popularity. I am very committed that this will not happen here. My only concern is your awakening. My purpose and the purpose of all human consciousness is same – your awakening.
There is another aspect to this that involves you. I clearly give a great deal in the group and individual sessions. I give of myself completely. I am rewarded in doing this far more than any amount of money could give. I am committed to you 100% because you and I are not separate. And this is why your awakening is so rewarding to me. But your commitment to your awakening must also be strong. If you are not committed to this through your entire life, then an Enlightenment Experience session will only be a temporary vacation not a transformation.
We are asking nothing less than a complete transformation of your entire life. From suffering to freedom. From alternating swings between pain and pleasure to unchanging peace, love and well-being. From the personal to the infinite. We are asking nothing less than Enlightenment. To do this, you must be fully committed both during the sessions with me (which is relatively easy) and outside of them (which can be more challenging). When you make a commitment of dana, you are committing more of yourself than you would if you paid nothing. So it is useful for you too.
After much deliberation what I have decided on are the following:
$10 per Living Awake Satsang and Transmission
$100 per Individual Session
These amounts were arrived at in the following way. My only concern is your awakening so I want the amount to be affordable for everyone yet also be the minimum you would need to feel a sense of commitment and energy exchange. $10 seemed to be the right amount as it is less than a walk-in yoga session so should be affordable to everyone. If even this amount is more than you can afford, if you’re really struggling financially, then don’t worry about it. I won’t turn anyone away who is committed to waking up. If you would like to pay more and can afford it, this is also welcome.
The $100 fee for individual sessions was arrived at in a similar way. Again, if you are really struggling financially at the moment, but are deeply committed to your awakening, then this fee can be lessened or waived entirely. If you would like to pay more, you are welcome to do this as well.
I have also done this with my paintings. I realized that many people could benefit from these paintings but could not afford the originals. So I now only sell them as prints so everyone has access to them. And I feel the same way about the Satsangs and individual sessions. Nobody should be turned away for lack of funds. This is not about money. It’s about waking up. And that’s far more important.
You can sign up, schedule and pay for your session in the following pages.
Sign up and pay for the Living Awake Group sessions here.
Pay $10 per group session. Pay Per Session.
Pay $32 for four sessions. Pay Per Month.
Sign up, schedule and pay for an individual session here. Individual Sessions.
If you are financially unable to pay, please contact me directly and we can make other arrangements. Contact me.
Much Love and Gratitude,
Appreciate your integrity! …..am contemplating my options….and thank you!