The Eyes of Enlightened Beings
It is fine to look at these drawings as art, but that is not their true purpose. The purpose of these drawings is for your spiritual practice. The eyes of enlightened beings have great power in them because they are free of a personal self. They are free of the illusion of a thought created world. The renown spiritual teacher Papaji (Mooji and Gangaji’s teacher) has said his primary practice in the presence of his teacher (Ramana Maharshi) was simply looking into his eyes. In those eyes he found a direct path to the True Self.
The scribbling, energetic style of these drawings also has a purpose. The incompleteness of the drawings focuses attention on the eyes, but there is more to it than that. It shows us that the forms we take for granted are not what we think they are. A scientist like Einstein would say it is all just energy. In Zen we call it Suchness. Ramana would call it the True Self. Others might call it God. It is something that cannot be seen with the physical eyes and yet it is very real. It is the source behind all forms that we see. It is Reality.
It is what the eyes in these drawings are seeing and it is what is looking out from them. If you look deeply into these eyes, perhaps you can see it too. That is the practice of using these drawings or any picture of an enlightened being’s eyes as a spiritual practice. The eyes are looking directly at you. And this brings you to look in the same direction, deeply into you. This is the only place you can find Suchness, the True Self or God. These are only words. What you will find is beyond any words or thoughts. You will find the truth of what you are and what the world is. There is no difference.
You can buy prints of these drawings in a variety of formats to suit any taste if you like (starting at $22.00). A simple note card should work as well ($5.95). There will be a link for this accompanying each drawing. But you can also copy and paste a lower resolution image right from this website for free. And that should work as well.
Right now I have drawings of Ramana Maharshi, the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh and Jesus available. I intend to do a drawing of Robert Adams and Mooji soon. You can drop me an email if you have any requests. I need clear pictures looking directly at the camera for reference. And these need to be clearly enlightened beings and the photograph needs to show this in the eyes. The photograph needs to embody a clear transmission through the eyes as these pictures do. There are many spiritual teachers these days, but not many truly awakened. While Papaji was teaching, many students asked him to comment on some of the many teachers teaching in India at the time. He replied, “I have seen the gold standard in Ramana Maharshi. I have no interest in anything less.”
Click on any image below to see the page for that drawing.
The Eyes of Ramana Maharshi
Click here to see the page for this image. The Eyes of Ramana Maharshi
The Eyes of the Dalai Lama
Click here to see the page for this image. The Eyes of the Dalai Lama
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