Does anything more need to be said? Just look at this baby. Did he need to learn to be happy? Did you? This indescribable joy is here simply because you exist. This is enough.
We have been taught that it takes great effort, searching and many practices to attain this happiness. But this is a huge lie. It has always been here. It is inseparable from what we are. We’ve just forgotten this. Perhaps this picture can remind us.
Indescribable Joy is that that is in Christ – there is more ways to describe Joy..but since this post shows a baby, that it was The LORD, Christ Jesus who himself said: “Unless you be born from Above, you cannot See The Kingdom of God’…You must be born from Above. Unless you come to Be like ‘one of these Little ones’ you will not Enter In. And it was written in the Letter of 1 Peter of Inexpressible Joy, or Indescribible Joy..of Knowing you are His and are fully Owned by Him. having Received Him. So the question is, is one having the counterfeit or the True Joy that comes in Knowing they’ve received Salvation of God in the Person of His Christ, or not. Should be seriously considered.
1 Peter 1:8-9
8 Though you have not seen Him, you Love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and Glorious Joy, 9 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
We, as people, have so many beliefs about what will make us happy and what happiness and joy are. But none of those are actually happiness and joy. Instead they are thoughts and beliefs about happiness and joy. In this way we can be concerned about is this really authentic or real happiness and joy or just another illusion. But joy, happiness, bliss, like peace and love, do not need thoughts or beliefs. Instead thoughts and beliefs block our natural experience of truth. And in truth, in simply being present to what actually is, rather than what we think or believe is, we find the complete fullness of happiness, joy, peace and love. It is so simple that few people ever simply let go of their thoughts and beliefs and relax into life as it actually always is. In this moment of presence, unfiltered by thoughts and beliefs, here is truth, just where it has always been. All that we could ever want is in this completeness, this wholeness. Much of what you have written actually points to this same thing. But over time, these teachings were distorted by the conditioned human mind. It was always pointing to this sacredness, this divinity, that we have never been apart from in any way. The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.