I have a rather unusual job description. It’s not to be a spiritual teacher, coach or healer, although I do appear to do these things. My real job is simply to be in peace, love and bliss always. If I am not in peace, love and bliss always, how can I help you realize that you are here too?
It is not always easy. Most of the human population live very much in their egos. And this, of course, creates enormous suffering for themselves and everyone they come in contact with. This is the nature of the ego. And this is exactly why it is so important that I remain as my True Self, free of ego conditioning.
So my job is to be happy, at peace and embodying unconditional love. This is the only way I can show people that they are also like this, no matter what their ego has been telling them all these years.
I like your job description!
Yes. Me too. 🙂