As this happens, cracks appear in this shell that we once thought was the whole world. There is a sense that there is something more. We don’t know what yet. The world outside the shell is all new to us. It is a mystery. Since it is completely unknown, it can be very frightening. But we can’t deny that this shell is much too small and limited. So we continue pushing against it, pecking at it with our questions. The more we question this ego shell, the more it crumbles.
At some point it collapses completely. We emerge to see that there really is much more to the world than this tiny shell we once thought was all there is. So much more.
This is a great analogy. “Pecking away with our questions.” Thanks.
Thank you, Hazel. All we have to do is keep pecking. Illusion cannot stand up to open, honest and relentless inquiry.