(Because of copyright issues outside the US, this video does not include the Joni Mitchell concert footage.)
For the purpose of helping let go of the conditioning that obscures our enlightened nature, we can think of having two minds.
One is the conditioned mind, the mind that perceives the world through thoughts about it. The other is the enlightened mind, which is free of all conditioning and so experiences the world directly as it is. We all have both minds, but only the enlightened mind is actually real.
We’re very used to the transmission of conditioned mind to conditioned mind. This happens in conversation, teaching and learning. It is the sharing of thoughts and the energy that arises from thought. We’re not consciously aware of the pure unconditioned transmission that comes from enlightened mind to enlightened mind. We may think this only happens with spiritual teachers, gurus and Zen Masters. But it can actually happen through deep experiences with music, art, poetry and nature itself.
In this video we’ll explore how this enlightened transmission free of concepts can happen through art and nature and how you may have experienced it without realizing what it is. I’ll also offer a direct enlightened mind to enlightened mind transmission at the end.
Music: Joni Mitchell live concert Shadows and Light can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLKb9…
Art: Monet – Water Lillies
Poetry: Mary Oliver from New and Selected Poems Volume One