You cannot make the world perfect. Nor can you understand that it already is.
With our eyes shaded by the illusion of the dream world, we cannot see or understand what this world really is. It is as if we are blind and trying to describe the colors of a flower. We can’t really see it. We can only see what our mind tells us it is. And, until we wake up, we are only seeing and describing a dream.
This perfection I speak of is not a perfection of the mind. It is not an idea of what perfection is. It is perfection itself. It needs no description, no concept or thought form. And it cannot really be understood with the mind. To understand with the mind is to limit reality into a thought, a concept, a belief. And this perfection, like reality, cannot be limited and still remain what it is.
To the mind, the world seems very imperfect. It needs a great deal of fixing if it is to become perfect. And maybe no amount of fixing will ever make it perfect. This is how the mind sees things. The mind creates the dream world so it can only see things through the eyes of the dream world.
So to see this absolute perfection, not only in the world, but in all things. We must put the illusion of our mind aside for a time. We must let go of our attachment to these thoughts, ideas and beliefs we have up to now been calling reality. We must let reality speak for itself. If we do this, then this perfection becomes completely obvious.
It doesn’t mean we don’t work to improve things in this dream world, as this is all most people are able to see. But when we see the essential perfection of all that is it helps us do this from a position and perspective of reality. And that’s ever so much nicer. And, as it turns out, quite a bit more effective. No surprise here.
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