I am not running a business. I do not sell, offer, share or give any information that is given to me on this website. There is no need for me to do this. When you share your name and email address, it remains only within this website and the mail server that stores and sends out emails, which, as you probably now know, is not very frequent.
This website is about awakened consciousness. It is not about making money. Its intention is not profit. I do occasionally ask for donations and a minimal cost for services in order to pay for the cost of the various website services to keep the website and services going. The intention is simply to break even, for income and outflow to remain roughly the same. So far, so good.
I’m not sure what else to say about this. The short answer is that everything you share here through this website remains exclusively here in this website. Nothing will ever be shared with another party. Because this website is so limited in its scope relative to most other websites, it is unlikely it will ever be hacked. It would be kind of pointless to go to that effort. The service I use for the website, Rainmaker, has very robust security. The credit card processing, Stripe and PayPal, also have robust security. If there ever were to be a hack, I will immediately let everyone know.
If you have any questions about this, you can always contact me through the contact page.
I understand there are unethical business practices happening on the internet. There is a valid reason for concern. I think this concern over what happens to the data you share is natural. I am happy to offer a place of the highest integrity for you.