The Awakened Consciousness is the greatest thing any human can experience. It is the pinnacle of human evolution. Infinite, unlimited and unconditioned freedom, peace, love and bliss, a wisdom that is far beyond the human mind, and the revelation of your oneness with all that exists. Yet the journey here can be very confusing. It is the opposite of everything we have been conditioned to think and believe. Fortunately there are many wonderful resources to help you through this transition. At first you may not understand what you read or see here. But something inside will understand very well. Something will resonate as a direct feeling of Truth. Trust this. It is leading you Home to your True Awakened Self.
There are now literally hundreds of spiritual teachers available to you. One teacher will resonate with you more than the others. You will feel called to this teacher. That is the correct teacher for you during that particular time in your spiritual growth. When you awaken, you will realize that life itself and your Inner Teacher have always been your True Teachers. But until then, these teachers, that now appear to be outside of you, are a good start.
To avoid the confusion that can come when you first enter the “spiritual supermarket” of so many choices, here is a very good place to start and become grounded in Truth before you venture further.
You can find more specific resources for each stage of the spiritual journey through the Map of Consciousness – Journey to Awakening
Hsin-Hsin Ming
“The more you talk and think about it, the further you wander from the truth. So cease attachment to talking and thinking and there is nothing you will not be able to know.”
– Seng-ts’an, The Third Zen Patriarch
From the Hsin-Hsin Ming, Verses on the Faith-Mind or Heart-Mind
This short book of only 8 pages gives the fundamental truth of how to live in the world in an enlightened way. I would like to offer it with a commentary on video, but there is no need for commentary. It says pretty much everything. It tells you what non-duality is and is not and exactly how to realize it in your daily life.
Mooji is a wonderful awakened teacher who always speaks from a place of the greatest Truth. You can find his Satsang (living in Truth) videos on YouTube or on his website Mooji is in the lineage of the great Sage of India, Ramana Maharshi. Mooji’s own teacher Papaji was a student of Ramana’s. There is great wisdom here.
Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle has written two wonderful books that can serve as an introduction to the Awakened Consciousness. You can find the books here: The Power of Now and A New Earth. Like Mooji, he is a contemporary awakened teacher who is very popular and easily accessible. His website is
Ramana Maharshi
Known as the great Sage of India, Ramana Maharshi fully awakened when he was only sixteen years old. What is more important is the number of people who awakened around him. Although he is no longer with us physically, his influence is still awakening people today. Both Mooji and Gangaji are in Ramana’s lineage and their own awakening as well as their teaching owes much to him. A good book to begin with is Be As You Are by David Godman.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh is Vietnamese Buddhist monk and Zen Master. He has written many books in a very gentle, accessible and loving style. He was my own teacher for more than twenty years. These books will be a very accessible and gentle introduction. I especially recommend The Heart of Understanding which is a commentary on the Heart Sutra, one of the most profound teachings in all of Buddhism. You will never find a more accessible and gentle introduction to the very deep Truth that lives in this sutra and is usually completely confusing to the unawakened mind.
Byron Katie
Byron Katie is a wonderful teacher who greatly helps you loosen your attachment to your thoughts. One of the primary gifts of awakening is we realize that our thoughts are just thoughts. They are not reality. She has a program called The Work which helps free you from the tyranny of thoughts. You can find out more about Byron Katie on her website: The Work and in these books.
A Course In Miracles
This is much more than a book that will give you information. It is a systematic dismantling of the conditioned thinking that hides your True Awakened Self. The language is very Christian, but what is pointed to is beyond any belief or religion. Many people who read and study this book become very attached to the words. This is not helpful in this book or any other spiritual book. Words can only ever be pointers to what is beyond any words or thoughts. It is the direct experience, the inner resonance of Truth, that is valuable and the purpose of all spiritual books. Do not be attached to any words, in this or any other book. But do allow them to sink into your heart and awaken the Truth that has always been here. You can get the book here: A Course In Miracles Here is a website where you can get more information: David Hoffmeister and Marianne Williamson are both popular teachers of A Course In Miracles.
Adyashanti is another wonderful awakened teacher. His books are very clear and come directly from this awakened consciousness.
Gina Lake
Gina is not only a good friend of mine, but a wonderful awakened teacher and author. Her books come from profound wisdom and yet are wonderfully accessible to everyone.
Nirmala is Gina’s husband and a deep spiritual teacher. I am very blessed to have both of these awakened people as friends. There is a great deal of wisdom in his teaching and on his website: Endless Satsang. You can find a wonderful description of Satsang (being in Truth) here: The Meaning of Satsang
Peter Cutler
You are already on my website so something drew you here. If you resonate with my words or videos, there is a reason you are here. Something beyond words is already happening. You may want to explore this further by attending a Living Awake Group or even having an Individual Session. My first book The Zen of Love – Discover Your Own Awakened Heart is available on Amazon.
I will include more, from time to time, if I think they are appropriate. There are many very good spiritual teachers around. Don’t feel badly that I left your favorite one out of this list. But I don’t want to overwhelm you. This is a very good place to start. From here you will naturally be called to go in the direction best suited to you at the time. There is an Inner Wisdom at work in you right now that is far beyond your mind. And it is working perfectly, as it always does. You may not be aware of this yet. And that’s fine. But trust that this is so. It will make the journey easier and make more sense. Your mind will never understand this Inner Wisdom. Don’t try to make sense of it. It is working just fine.
And don’t forget, I am always here for you too. Contact Me if you have any questions. Check out the Living Awake Groups or schedule an Individual Session if you feel called to.
Much Love,
I am in the midst of a personal awakening that is transforming my life in front of my eyes. The only thing is that I know my heart is still not open. There are fears and illusions and I want to accelerate my progress by working with a teacher. Does this make sense? If it does, I’d be interested in a group or individual on Zoom as I am in Florida
Peace and light
Vicki Hudson