We can only directly experience enlightenment, God and reality in deep inner silence and stillness. In our busy lives, time for true silence can very precious and healing. If we’re not used to this silence, it can be challenging at first. Eventually our thoughts calm down and we begin to experience reality in a wonderful way we may never have before.
You are welcome to join me and others at the Zendo in Sedona for silent meditation every Sunday from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. You can arrive and leave any time you like within that time period. But please do it silently. We will be in the front living room immediately to your left as you enter the door. There are chairs and couches to sit on. If you would like to sit on the floor, please bring your own cushion. If you need to use the bathroom, it is the first door on left down the hall. There will be a sign on the door showing you where it is. If the door is closed someone else is using it.
Enter the Zendo through the screened porch. Please remove your shoes in the porch before entering. Do not knock. Just come in and take a seat. It is a silent meditation so there is no speaking.
Directions to the Sedona Zendo of the Awakened Heart
The Zendo is located at 120 Birch Blvd. in West Sedona. Birch is across 89A from Whole Foods. There is a car wash on the corner of 89A and Birch. 120 is about half way down on the left. The mail box says “Zendo” and there is a large Zen circle painted on the front of the house. Park anywhere on the street except for directly across from the Zendo where there is a no parking sign in front of that house.
Satsang / Dharma Teaching
If you would like to attend a Dharma teaching or Satsang where you can also ask questions, these are available at the Sedona Zendo every Monday night from 7:00 to 8:30 pm and online every Saturday from noon to 4 pm (Arizona time). Here is a link to instructions for attending the online Satsang / Dharma Teaching
Online Satsang / Dharma Teaching
Individual Sessions
Individual instruction is also available at the Zendo or online by appointment. Here is a link for that.
Individual Session and Appointment
Longer Silent Meditation
If you like, we may offer longer periods of silent meditation once a month on Sunday from 1:00 to 6:00 pm and three day silent retreats Friday, Saturday and Sunday a few times a year.
Peter is a Zen monk who lives in this state of deep silence. He offers teachings and individual sessions as mentioned above. He is not interested in promoting this widely or turning it into a business, but he is willing and happy to share with those who sincerely feel called to awaken.
Dana / Donation
If you feel called to offer, there is a small bowl on the little table as you enter the living room. You can place any donation you feel called to give in that bowl. There is no charge for this. Only give what you feel called to give. It is completely up to you what that is if anything.