It is suggested that you practice with these videos regularly, at least once per day if you can. They have a cumulative effect and the more you use them the deeper is your experience. Set a time when you will have no distractions just as you would with any meditation practice.
Because the videos are silent, you can replay them or loop them as often as you like for those who want longer than a 20-minute session as many people do. One person puts them on a loop and lets them play all night long while he’s sleeping and claims enormous benefit from doing this.
Try it yourself and see what works best for you.
Each video has a different effect. The more you use them, the more sensitive you will be to the different effects and the deeper your experience will be.
Sit in silence with these videos. You can close your eyes or leave them open. Allow your attention to remain on the sensations you feel in your body and not on your thoughts. Some people feel powerful energy as if they are being filled with Light and Love. Some people simply feel a sense of peace and contentment. Some people may not feel anything at first, especially if their attention remains on their thoughts. It’s not important what anyone else feels. It’s only important what you experience. These videos are for you.
These transmissions are not just an experience. Teaching, healing, and transformation are all happening beyond the understanding of words or thoughts. The more often you use a video, the more you will experience and the more benefit you will receive. Using the videos is a practice like meditation. Use them during a time and place where you won’t be distracted as you would with a meditation practice. Eventually, you’ll realize that this energy is always available to you even without me. It is the energy and awareness of your Infinite Undivided True Nature.
With all the noise and busyness of words and thoughts on media, social media, and conversations, to say nothing of what goes on in our own minds, it’s important to take a necessary break once in a while and return to the silence, stillness, peace, happiness, and love of our True Being. This is a good way to do it.
I’m very happy to offer this gift to you.
Each Monday, I record a small section of the transmission to share. This one is during the Christmas season, an especially auspicious time for deep spiritual practice and awakening.
Silent Spiritual Transmission Number Eleven
Silent Spiritual Transmission Number Ten
Silent Transmission Number Two
Silent Transmission Number One
I don’t record all the live Silent Transmission sessions, but I will continue adding more here. Keep checking back.
You can attend the live Silent Transmissions online every Monday at 3:30 Pacific Time on Zoom. Here is a direct link: Monday Silent Transmission