Truth can never be known with the mind. It is our habit to look for it in this way. It is why we are constantly searching everywhere we can in books, videos, internet, Facebook, seminars, workshops, retreats and on and on. This is why we remain searchers and never find it.
Truth can never be found by the mind but it is directly realized with the end of our reliance on the mind. When the mind is surrendered as truth, truth is revealed clearly as being always here. That is why the phrase I don’t know is so important. It surrenders the mind. It says none of these stories are real. And if we are wise and pay attention, it also tells us that none of the stories to come will be any more real.
This is great freedom.
It is the beginning of the end of searching. We can continue attending workshops, watching videos and reading books and blog posts, but we no longer need to believe a single word of it. All our hopes of finally finding truth in this way are surrendered. In this way, we are forced to finally turn to where truth actually is and has always been – inside.
Ahhh, what a great discovery.
And what a huge relief. We no longer have to search for truth because we are truth. We are not any story about truth or about ourself. We are truth beyond all stories. We are truth without the need of a single story about truth. As long as we continue searching with our minds – and as you may have noticed there are infinite places to look – truth will always remain just out of reach. We will remain searchers.
The End Of The Spiritual Marketplace
The spiritual economy and marketplace is based entirely on our continuous searching without finding. Finders have no needs. They are complete. They make very bad consumers. They stop buying books, watching videos, going to workshops, seminars and retreats. If everyone became a Finder, the spiritual marketplace could no longer exist. We don’t search for truth, peace, love or happiness when we discover it is always here.
You can continue searching for truth where it cannot be found.
But why?
You always have the choice of continuing to be a searcher, which only means continuing to search for truth, peace, love and happiness where it cannot be found. Or you can learn from all that frustrated searching and finally go within and become a finder. Please understand that turning to thoughts and trying to figure it out is not going within. Thoughts are also outside of you. This is very important to understand. Thoughts too are outside of you. You need to look much deeper than that. You need to find the subject. You need to discover what is aware of and before thoughts. Here you will finally discover truth. You will finally discover what you have been searching for. Your days of searching will be over. You will be a finder. This website has many resources to help you go within and discover this great truth for yourself.
Tay says
Yes. I felt like I was going crazy today. I never saw myself as a seeker but I have turned into one. I am found starting today.
Peter says