Here are five simple words that can change your life. “I am as never before.” Say these words either out loud or to yourself a few times. “I am as never before.”
Do you notice a shift in your perspective, a shift in your feeling? If not try repeating these words a few more times. “I am as never before.”
These words are true.
The reason this simple phrase is so powerful is because it is true. You ARE as never before. You are completely and absolutely new in each and every moment. In fact the only time you actually exist is in this very moment. You do not exist in the past. You do not exist in the future. That is just your mind tricking you into believing this. The person you were in the past is no more. It is just a memory and a very inaccurate one at that. The person you will be tomorrow is just a fantasy. You only exist right now in this present moment.
What you are is right here and now and ONLY right here and now.
When you say these words “I am as never before.” you are speaking truth. You rarely speak truth or think truth, so this may seem a little strange at first. You have been living in a dream made up of conditioned thoughts about past and future. You are unfamiliar with the present as it is. What you currently see as the present is only seen through a thick filter made up of the past that actually completely obscures the present. You see the present as a continuation of the past and made up of the past. It is not. The present is the present. And it is always present. That’s all it can be. The past is just a memory. The future is just imagination. Both are made up entirely of thoughts.
Only the present is actually real.
And, if you pay attention, you will notice that you are incapable of having a thought about the present. You can experience it once you let go of your thoughts about it. But you cannot reduce it to a thought. The present is beyond all thoughts and beliefs. And you are also beyond all thoughts and beliefs. In each and every moment you are totally new. You are as never before.
These words are freedom from the prison of the past.
By saying these words “I am as never before.” you free yourself from the prison of the imaginary past. In Zen, we often say that unawakened people are “dragging a corpse around with them.” Their imaginary self, made up of past experiences, has no life in it. It is dead, like a corpse. Only this present moment is alive and real. When we say “I am as never before.” we can feel this prison of the imaginary past dissolving away. We feel lighter, unburdened. We feel alive and vibrant. This is living in the present. This is living in reality.
Try it yourself and see if you experience this freedom, this lightness, this aliveness. If you do, welcome to the present. Welcome to reality. It’s nice, isn’t it?
As long as we are using words as pointers, here is mine: It is Is.
I like that ?
My husband refers to ‘Whatever It Is.’
It makes me smile, when I make an acronym of that: WII. I think that’s also a Nintendo console for playing games on.
Hi Peter, Thankyou for creating this forum for awake people. I live in an abiding awakened state but have never had any contact with another awakened person. I enjoy your posts and am pleased to be part of your group. I use the mantra “There is no-me” when I feel a slight movement away from presence. Since awaking 12 months ago I have felt the most amazing constant peace and joy. But cannot speak or write about it. I am hoping words or sentences may come to me for expression but so far, not much has come. “This happening” is the only expression I could ever say. I have learnt how to be with people and enjoy life connecting with them – mainly through lots of laughter. I look forward to joining in with others. Love Cate ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Cate, welcome. I am very happy to have you here and to feel your presence. Do not worry if any words or sentences come. There is nothing that can really be said about this Truth. And even if we write and talk as much as I do, there is still really nothing that can be said. This is very clear. Sometimes words can be used as pointers to what is always complete and never needs words or anything else. And laughter is a wonderful pointer too. It is a holy thing. It helps dissolve the illusions that stand in the way of Truth. Wonderful to have you here. Welcome. <3
It feels very good to say “I am as never before.” It is feeling very, very good, very peaceful.
I tried to have a thought about the present. I thought ” I like this.” Then used some inquiry, “What or who is it that likes this?” That led to “this likes this”. I’m back to my current favourite take on what’s going on, “this, just this.” ❤️
Yes, Hazel, there’s not much you can say about the present moment or reality. “This, just this.” may be as much as you can say. 🙂 I’m glad you like the “I am as never before.” mantra. 🙂 <3
Also thank you for posting a response here and in the Forum too. Love, Peter