This can give you some idea of your own conditioning, where it comes from, how pervasive it is and its effect on you.
Very few of us ever awaken from this conditioned dream. Very few of us ever experience reality, truth or what we really are. Yet some do. Perhaps this little one will be one of those few. I hope so. I hope it for you. I hope it for everyone.
Most of us don’t realize we are living in a dream. We consider it reality, life and who we are. But some do realize there is something more or feel there must be something more. That’s a start. Some of us have even had glimpses, direct experiences, of what that something more might be. And, far more rare, some of have awakened or are in the process of awakening right now. Perhaps this little guy will be one of those. I hope so. I hope it for you. I hope it for everyone.
As you can see conditioning is continuous in all societies. It begins even before birth in the transmission of the mother’s conditioned mind. It includes the conditioned minds of the father and everyone else connected to the baby. The conditioned mind is transmitted with or without words. Unlike what the conditioned mind perceives, there is really no separation anywhere.
There are many aspects that go into every awakening from this heavily conditioned dream. One of those is a time of isolation from human contact for a period of time after the awakening experience. Without this isolation from other conditioned minds, an awakening experience, no matter how powerful, will eventually be pulled back into conditioning again. You can see this time of isolation from other conditioned minds in the experiences of Mooji, Eckhart Tolle, Ramana, Papaji and many other awake beings.
Another aspect is spending time in the presence of one free of the conditioned mind. This is the purpose of Satsang, silent retreats, etc. Unlike the transmission of the conditioned mind which happens with most people and reinforces our conditioning, this is the transmission of a mind free of conditioning and helps free us from conditioning.
Today being in the presence of an awake being is easier than ever. You have access through books, YouTube videos, internet, retreats, Satsangs, etc. You are most fortunate.
Many spiritual teachers today believe and claim they are free of this conditioning but are not. Only a small handful are. It has been like this throughout human history.
You may feel it is difficult to discern who is free and who is not, but it is far easier than you think. Thinking is only your conditioned mind. Leave it alone. You know entirely and only by what you experience. If you experience a great freedom, peace, bliss and unconditional love for no reason at all, then you are in the presence of someone who is free of the conditioned mind, someone who is awake. They may speak or not. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what they say or teach or if they say nothing at all. You know by your direct experience. Leave the mind alone. The mind is only conditioning. Trust your direct experience.
Both Mooji and Eckhart Tolle are easily accessible and both are awake. You have access to Ramana Maharshi and Papaji through books and videos. They are no longer in a physical body, but nobody really dies. Remember, there is no separation. You may have to take this on faith until you experience it.
You may find yourself sitting next to a stranger and suddenly this great freedom, peace, bliss and unconditional love overcomes you. You are in the presence of one free of conditioned thought. That is enough. You don’t need to ask questions or imagine you found your teacher. That experience is the teaching. That is enough. Leave your mind alone.
You may be totally alone and find yourself overcome with this great freedom, peace, bliss and unconditional love. This is even better. You have discovered your True Teacher. The appearance of all awakened beings is only an illusion. Remember, there is no separation. Stay here in this great freedom. Allow it to overcome you, to overcome the dream of you. This is the only teaching there is. Your mind will never understand this. This is truth. This is reality. It is not conditioning. It is freedom from conditioning. You’re waking up. Welcome Home.
Such a true words, thank you for sharing and reminding us! I had a glimpse of oneness few years ago that lasted two weeks, it was a bliss, I was all that is (am still just not connected) I was love! I want to live this way every day but don’t know how to get back. I remember that I fell more into judgment and thoughts what was wrong and right and since then was not able to return. I try and recall what I have learnt, hoping that one day I will awake again.
Certainly, Selene, you are always This. You have never been other than This. The conditioned thoughts simply pull us back into a dream of this limited, separate self. This conditioning has gone on very a long time, all of our life. It is throughout all of society. So it is not surprising that when we have a moment of clarity, of clear seeing, that we get pulled back into the dream again. Understand that what you experienced in that two weeks is always here and so much more. So much more. It is not as hard to return as you might think as right now you are fully here. You are always fully here. It’s only that the conditioned thoughts hide this from you. But I think soon you will have another glimpse into Truth, and then another. Eventually you will wake up to what you are and have always been. Understand that those two weeks were reality. The rest has been a dream, perhaps a long one, but still a dream. That will help you let go of the dream again. And again. And again, until finally you live as your True Self. And then perhaps you can help others awaken too. That would be nice.
Dear Peter,
Thank you so much for your reply, through your care and love I feel it within me! It’s amazing how true love sends vibration and touches the other.
I just purchased the book and started reading, and now reading through few pages I was not able to hold my words of gratitude, I am feeling such great joy, wanted to share this happiness and gratitude for you, thank you so very much! I am thankful that you show the path to clear the conditioned thoughts.
Much love!
What a lovely thing to read – and yes – I too have had transmissions where I surely thought I would remain in an enlightened state – only to come back to the current conditioned mind – once due clearly to two things often spoken about by masters – fear and attachment.
I was afraid people would think I had gone mad and they would put me away – I was in such joy and bliss – and laughter. And when I saw my future I did not see my former husband there – whom I had divorced from already but was still attached to. So – I know what you speak from a direct experience. And…I miss that state of grace and self acceptance that is so peaceful and safe.
It is always here, Kathleen. As you say, fear and attachment distract us from what is always here. Fear and attachment can only come from thoughts. Thoughts are what obscure our direct experience of reality, which is completely beyond thought. At any moment we can let go of attachment and resistance. We can let go of the distraction of thoughts. Just as you have. It is always here. It is always available. If you remain still and listen, perhaps you can feel it now. I hope you do.