Dealing With the COVID-19 Coronavirus
If you want to heal from the effects and life disruptions of the Coronavirus physically, emotionally, psychologically, energetically, and spiritually, be a beacon of light and love.
If you are a beacon of light and love, you will flow through these changes gracefully, effortlessly, joyfully, and gratefully, bringing great benefit to both you and the world.
Right now there is a lot of darkness in people’s minds. There is a lot of fear, suspicion, anger, and resentment. Perhaps this is true of your mind as well. Social media is full of this darkness. It spreads just like the COVID-19 Coronavirus does, only to the mind rather than the body.
It spreads through lies, distortions, misinformation, fear, suspicion, paranoia, and anger, all being called things like the “untold truth” or “the secret truth the media doesn’t want you to know”. I know many people who have been infected by this mental virus and believe this is truth. They believe things like Tom Hanks was arrested for being part of a secret Hollywood pedophile ring when he was actually quarantined for 14 days in Australia for the COVID-19 virus and is now back home in Los Angeles. They believe the COVID-19 Coronavirus is fake news, a government scam to take away their freedom, doesn’t really exist, or isn’t as bad as the news says it is. As someone who has gone through the COVID-19 Coronavirus, I can tell you from first-hand experience, it’s not fake news. It’s very real. It came close to killing me. If you ask the doctors and nurses watching people die from it, I assure you they won’t tell you it’s fake news.
With so much real fake news, lies, distortions, and misinformation on social media, how can you tell what is true? I have a simple suggestion and practice.
“What would love do?”
In order to know what love would do, you first have to experience love. Allow your attention to shift to love until all the fear, suspicion, judgment, and anger dissolves like shadows in a dark room when you turn on the light. Think of someone you love if that helps. Allow love to fill you completely until there is only love and light.
Now the question will be answered for you. There is nothing else you need to do. You are now a beacon of love and light in the world.
From this position, not one of fear, suspicion, anger, and hatred, but one of love and light, what do you think of all these messages of fear, anger, and resentment disguised as “the real truth”? Do you still believe them? Do you feel like sharing them and spreading them around the internet to your friends? Do you feel like you are waking people up to the “real truth” they need to know? Or do you see them simply as the darkness of the human mind and ego, something that increases fear, suspicion, anger, hatred, and powerlessness in you and the world?
If you make this your mantra for everything you see on social media and mainstream media, you will be a beacon of love and light in the world. You will benefit yourself and all beings. You can’t do this by listening to your mind. It is your mind that has been infected with this virus of fear, anger, hatred, and suffering, not only now with this COVID-19 Coronavirus. It has been there long before this. Some undiscovered and repressed aspects of it are just being released and revealed now. So your mind doesn’t know what love would do. Your heart does.
Stop listening to your mind and listen to your heart. Your heart knows what do do. Love knows what to do. When you listen to your mind, you are listening to your ego, your false self. You are listening to fear, anger, and the suffering of a separate self. It cannot help you or the world.
When you listen to your heart, you are listening to love. You are listening to your intrinsic oneness with all beings.
You already know what fear, anger, suspicion, blame, and suffering do. You can see it all over social media. Is that really how you want to live? Is that what you want for those you love?
What if you lost your job, you can’t pay your rent, you don’t have money for food? How can love help me with that?
Love is not blind. And it is not confused the way the mind is. Love sees that everything is changing. Jobs that existed before no longer exist. New opportunities that didn’t exist now exist or soon will and perhaps you can be the first one to introduce them. Love is creative and so are you. Love doesn’t think only about what the limited ego wants to do or has done in the past. Love asks what the world needs now and then through its natural and infinite creativity discovers a way to deliver it. Love puts the benefit of self and others above self-centered interests, fear, anger, and powerlessness. What you personally need to live follows. Trust it. It always does.
Forget about what you have done before or what you want to do. That’s the past. This is now. What does the world need from you now?
Love helps. Love gives. Love serves. Love acts. Your heart already knows this intimately. It is only your mind that is confused. Your heart is filled with infinite creativity. It always knows exactly what to do in every situation. You only need to shut off the voice in your mind for a moment so you can hear love’s infinite wisdom.
For me, at this moment, love is writing this to you. What is love asking of you?
Peter, thank you for your teaching. Could you do a post or teaching on what love is? Everyone uses the word but most people dont really know what it means. They think it’s a feeling, something you have for a family member or friend. But then I ask them how they feel/felt about Hitler and the meaning gets completely blurred. Could you remind us on what love really means?
Hi Theresa, I think I have several posts about love. There are also several videos on my YouTube channel The Enlightened Way. And there is the book The Zen of Love which is all about love. The short story is love is the absence of the illusion of separation. When this illusions is gone, there is just the experience of all pervasive, profound, unconditional love. So even the very limited experiences of love we have for family members, etc. is a limited and superficial experience of freedom from the illusion of separation, at least between you and the one you love. And even though limited and superficial it is truly wonderful. Imagine what it is like when the illusion of separation is completely seen through and love extends everywhere infinitely. I have a video I just finished called Expanding Your Circle of Love, which offers this as a practice. Here is a link. I’m considering writing my second book on this as well.
Thank you for this Peter. I am currently reading your book The Zen of Love and really enjoying it.
Wonderful, Marie. I hope it is serving you well.
Oh and Love does not ask questions about what it should do?
Love just us is, Love is “always” flowing doing, saying, acting the loving way.
Only if you do not know that You are Love and that all is Love would this question be asked?
Again, Karima, this is a teaching. Those who don’t experience themselves as the Infinite Totality are not helped by simply expressing this. It would just turn out to be another thought and belief. That is very different from the direct experience. My purpose is to help people have this direct experience. Whatever words I use are only part of a variety of means in various attempts to fulfill this purpose, including silent transmission which is often most effective. And sometimes it is successful, which is very nice. 🙂
If God is All, As God is All, if this realisation is Real and Absolute, fear of any kind will never come to You.
You ask, what would Love do? Concerning this virus.
As only God is, only Love is
And especially for You Peter as you put yourself out there as a teacher, what do you fear if Only God is? Why wear a mask if you really know and experience that Only God Is? What is it you are protecting yourself from by wearing a mask , if God is everything? Yes abide by the rules created by the pandemic of people want, but the Truth doesn’t change, Only God is here, nothing else.
This is a teaching Karima to help those who have not experienced their True Un-separate Being deal with the suffering and confusion that is inevitable when one experiences themselves as a separate self, as most people do. This is what an awakened teacher does. If all humans were already awake, there would be nothing to teach or say.
Thank you, this was incredibly helpful. Also, thank you so much for staying on after the Gina Lake/Nirmala Transmissions so we can stay in the space longer, it really helps.
Much love,
Thank you, Lisa. Love and blessings to you.