Whatever thoughts appear realize for just a moment that they are not appearing to you. They are not happening to you. They are not happening for you. They are not your thoughts. They are simply happening. That is all. There is no you for them to happen to or to own them. They are simply happening. They simply are.
Whatever feelings arise, notice that this is also true of all feelings. They are not happening to you or for you. They are not your feelings. There is no you for them to happen to or for. There is no you to own these feelings. They simply are.
Whatever experiences arise, notice this is just as true for them. Good or bad or neutral, they are not your experiences. They are not happening to you or for you. There is no you for them to happen to or for or to own them. In this moment they simply are.
And that’s all you can really say about you as well. You simply are, not as a person, a human, a male or female, not as a body, not as thoughts or stories of a life, not as experiences. Not as anything you can conceive of. You are non-conceptual reality, which is the only reality there is. Everything else is a just a thought, an illusion, a dream.
This is what it means to be Self Realized. This is the Self that is realized. It is not an object you can look at, analyze, describe or understand. It is the fundamental nature of reality. When you let go of the entire imagined story of you, this is what is left. Neither nothing nor something nor somebody has anything to do with it. These are just concepts. This is reality.
As long as you hold any concepts about it or anything else, you are distracted from the simplicity and unlimited infinite nature of reality. And this is what you are. This is what everything you perceive really is.
And all you can say about it is that it is. You cannot say what it is. You can only say it is. Everything else is a concept that distracts you from what is. It’s far better to say nothing at all, for that is closest to reality. But this is a start.
Let this painting be a reminder for you. If you feel drawn to it, you can copy it from this page. Prints are also available form the link below.
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