Seeing with the Eyes of Love
When we see another person, the first thing we see is a person: male or female, young or old, attractive or not so much, etc. Generally, we’re not automatically filled to overflowing with unconditional love. Instead of love, we’re usually filled with thoughts and judgments.
To be filled with unconditional love, we need to see beyond the person. We need to let go of all those thoughts and judgments. We need to see deeper. If we focus intently and keep our attention focused, the thoughts will begin to fade. Keep looking and something more than the limitations of conditioned thoughts and judgments will be revealed. At the same time, the thoughts and judgments that create you as a person are fading. As you get used to this kind of deeper seeing, a great unconditional love will flow. No longer are you a person looking at a person. Both persons have dissolved. Now there is God looking at God. All separation has gone. It has always been like this, but your thoughts and judgments have hidden this from you. Now it’s revealed. And what else can there be but the infinite all pervasive energy of love?
Happy Valentine’s Day
For the month of February as a gift of love, I am offering a FREE download of The Zen of Love – Discover Your Own Awakened Heart. I’m not asking for anything in return. You don’t even have to give your name or email. It’s a gift of love. Here is a link to the download page: FREE Download
This is EXACTLY the experience here ❤️
Dear Peter,
Thank you so much for offering a free download of your book- The Zen of Love. This is real treasure, I must say! 🙂
I stumbled upon non-duality in 2016, and I knew this is what my heart had been longing for.
Your teachings had created a major shift in me since September 2017 and I keep reading your blog posts whenever they are published.
Lately, I wasn’t so regular with reading your blog post as I was reading other books, however I still had the desire to get your book- The Zen of Love. I just felt to check the blog section of your site today and here it was- the greatest gift I could ever have received this year.
I can’t thank you enough for the gems of wisdom you’ve shared with people like us. Masters like you are indeed the hope for us. Thanks again for your wonderful work.
Love and Light,
Thank you so much, Ira. I am very happy you are benefiting from this. And thank you for your lovely comments.
So happy to see your reply! Thanks so much Peter.
You’re very welcome, Ira.