There is a lot of misunderstanding about the term Bliss. Most people think of it as a form of great and continuous happiness or joy or ecstasy. That’s not exactly it. Bliss is simply very high frequency energy and our awareness of it. Yes, it feels wonderful so the connection with enormous happiness or joy or ecstasy is understandable. But that’s not what it is. There is a different quality about it.
Bliss is a natural experience of our awakening. Ramana Maharshi describes it as Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence – Consciousness – Bliss). When we reach the higher stages of awakening, Bliss is always here. It may not always be in the foreground of our attention but it is always felt in the background. The energy is felt and experienced in the body. It is as if every cell and molecule is vibrating at a very high frequency. It is as if the body has become an enormous tuning fork. It can be quite intense at the beginning, almost overwhelming. You can see why you may mistake this for ecstasy.
The intensity can be so strong in the beginning you don’t know if your physical body can handle it. But it does. There’s nothing to worry about. The body actually adjusts and changes to accommodate this higher frequency energy. And this adjustment seems to be very beneficial, healing and healthy for the body. It is almost as if it is making it younger, healthier and more flexible. And perhaps it is. That has been my experience, as I seem healthier at 67 then I was in my 30s. That’s how it seems, but perhaps that’s just my imagination.
The Body
The body appears to be lighter, weightless really, as if gravity has no effect on it. It still does of course, so this is just the experience. It may explain the experience of and belief in levitation, which I have never physically seen so far. But this experience of weightlessness does feel like this. And the body appears to be made of light and energy rather than solid matter. It appears to be glowing with light, consisting of nothing but light. There is a certain radiance about it that other people can actually see. This is often referred to as the Light Body. It is sometimes referred to as another body besides the physical body, as if there were two or more bodies, the Light Body hovering outside and around the physical body. My experience is that it is the same body, just perceived and experienced in a very different way. The physical body is the old way of experiencing the body.
Bliss is a wonderful experience and it does seem to increase with the expansion of Consciousness. More and higher frequency energy seems to be experienced. And the body quickly adjusts to this new level. Many physical changes seem to correspond with each new level. And the energy does seem to affect others as well.
When attention is placed on this energy, it can be very intense. When attention is directed otherwise, it simply continues simmering and vibrating in the background.
Happiness, Joy, Ecstasy
The connection with extreme happiness, joy or ecstasy is understandable. But that is just an interpretation of Bliss. Happiness, joy and ecstasy come and go. They are not experienced as permanent states of consciousness. And there is usually some external event that triggers them. Bliss is always experienced as being here and there is no external event to trigger it.
Bliss might be thought of more as “life force energy”. Life force energy is always here or life would not be. And Bliss is also always here, not separate from life itself. It is experienced in the body or through the body, but it can also be sensed everywhere.
Everything is Energy
When people say everything is energy, Bliss is the direct experience of this. Attention has turned to this energy and energy is experienced more prominently than physical matter. It is realized that all physical matter, not only this body, is pure energy. What, previous to this level of awakening, was experienced as physical matter is now experienced as energy with the appearance of physical matter to the more limited human senses of sight, hearing and touch. And even these limited senses are also directly experienced as pure energy.
Bliss appears to be fundamental to our basic nature. The inquiry which has become second nature to me by now, “What is aware of this?” dissolves everything that is not fundamental. When asked of Bliss, “What is aware of this energy?” instead of dissolving, the energy simply increases. That, for me, has always been a sign of a fundamental nature. The other clue is that it does not come and go. It is always here, whether attention is on it fully or not. For years, it simply has been my experience of life.
I caution about making a big deal about Bliss, searching for it or trying to attain it as if it were some kind of spiritual reward or goal. I imagine that is a pretty reliable way of never experiencing it. Just continue doing your practices, letting go of stories and opening to the Unknown. When you are ready for it, it will simply appear. And you will realize that, although you were not aware of it previously, it was actually always here, like life force energy or the energy that holds your body’s molecules together and makes your cells function. When you are aware of it, you can call it Bliss or whatever you like.
Bliss Without a Body
I realize now that the experience of bliss is not actually an experience or awareness of bliss, but it is actually the being of bliss. And it has nothing to do with a body. In Nirvakalpa Samadhi, there is no longer the experience of a body, mind, or world. There is only pure being itself. And pure being is bliss. This is why bliss is continuous and unchanging. It is quite literally what we are. Bliss can be experienced while there is still awareness of the body, as it is in earlier stages of Samadhi or Kenshos (brief, temporary awakenings). But it does not depend on a body, or even consciousness, as it is what we are. It is being itself and has no dependence on or relationship to the dream of form.
A Taste of Bliss
Bliss is usually experienced in the later stages of awakening, but you may experience it earlier. You may have already done so. In a moment of great freedom, when for just a moment all stories have fallen away, you may notice this powerful, vibrating energy. Your mind may even first interpret it as a powerful fear, even fear of your own death. If in that moment, you can let go of this story too, let go of all stories, return to this freedom before all stories, you may experience, savor and surrender to something that has always been here without your noticing. And that will be a glorious day indeed. This realization will not come as you expect it to. Does anything? Keep letting go, be diligent about all practices that help you let go and, above all, pay attention. What you are seeking has always been right here under your nose and far closer and more intimate than that.
You will eventually discover that underneath every feeling you experience, there is this same Bliss. It doesn’t matter what that feeling is: fear, depression, anger, jealousy, doubt, anxiety, happiness, joy, ecstasy, even love as you now know love. Underneath all of this is Bliss. If you are able to let go of the story that supports and creates these feelings, you will find Bliss. It is always here. When I say, “Love as you now know it.” I am not speaking of love as the fundamental state of being you will also discover.
I know there are few people out there just like me feeling Bliss and we have nothing to speak , but I haven’t met anyone and i don’t know if I could recognise them
I would love to connect to someone just like me
My Instagram Id praptigadkari
There are some, but not many, that experience the bliss of their true, infinite nature and no longer experience the identity of being a separate self. Since this bliss comes from the experience of our true infinite nature, which is inseparable and only one, there is really nobody else to talk to. That’s why we created the illusion of separation, so we could imagine an other. This bliss occurs when we experience the true, inseparable nature of our true being.
Everyone and everything are this same true being. There is nothing really other than this. While we experience separation, there are many others to talk to. When we experience our true nature, that is all there is. That and bliss of course.
Peter Cutler, I just came across your article and it’s the first time I’ve read up on my experience of the bliss itself, as it’s always been secondary to me, secondary to truth itself and the realisation it , and our true selves and all the dimensions of ourself, being the entirety of all existence. I have not yet come across anyone else of the same mind or experience. Of course I know we are not alone, and there are many of us out there, awakened but it would be really lovely to connect with you, someone else having the same experience and living in a state of altered consciousness. In the earlier years, 5 years ago with my first kundalini awakening I first experienced bliss and was totally blown away. I had a full kundalini raising, which happened intensely over one night and I stayed in this space for two months, I then wanted it to slow down. And I attracted a relationship and although I didn’t know it then, my kundalini was still working by bringing my awareness to what I still had repressed in me and by a virtue of the relationship I instantly manifested after my initial awakening I came to confront my trauma I thought hadn’t effected me. Working through what I needed to release, I left this relationship a year a ago and had my second kundalini awakening, it raised fully. Then I held this Space for months, to then realise and experience a stage to kundalini not well known, a descending kundalini. The bliss has been present, the entire time, I also like yourself feel so light, the lightness is the most majestic feeling, and my vision has profoundly changed permanently. sometimes the bliss has become so overwhelming since the kundalini descending, it can feel too much just as you have said I can relate to every word you’ve written here. It’s in the background most of the time and permanent and I can still feel normal emotions that happen within this state at the same time. It’s a beautiful and divine experience, at the same time, it’s unique to experience it without ever speaking of this awakening to others. I’m currently writing a book, in the meantime, if you would be interested in emailing, would be lovely to talk and learn more about your experiences and just talk with another awakened self ? we are one mind, one conciseness, one self, experiencing ourself individually for a temporary experience in the illusory state of what we experience as time ✌️ Would love to hear from you and thank you for your article. I loved it ?
That is so beautiful, Melissa. I apologize for not seeing it and responding sooner. If you like you can email me through this website or
Hi my name is Steve and I have had this feeling of bliss for around 25 years now , I would almost describe it as a full body orgasm at will . It is in the background all the time .I can bring the feeling to my attention at any moment I want to and then my body vibrates in warmness , nervousness and happiness .I don’t know what it is , it just feels great , however sometimes I am afraid to go there as I don’t know what it is , I just know the feelings I am having . Would you be able to describe it for me in simple terms as I have not done any what you say kundulini work or anything else to directly raise it .
Hi Steve,
Experiences are really just experiences. They are not as important as we think. Allow them to be and they will show you what they are. Upon awakening when we no longer experience the sense of a separate self, there is an experience of underlying bliss. This happens simply because we are free from a lifelong habit of believing we are a separate self. And that feels wonderful. But it is not anything special. The same is true for the peace and unconditional love we experience. These are not special things or experiences. They are also simply freedom from the illusion we we have been experiencing all of our lives. And that feels wonderful.
I have searched for 5yrs trying to understand what I experienced. This is exactly what I experienced.. energy and wanting more or to feel it ! I felt like I was glowing, younger, and the feeling to love everything that was alive. It lasted for sometime and changed my life. It was surreal at times as the fantasies or visions seemed so real. I want that Me back again…I’ve searched and searched and couldn’t comprehend the ego, and all the big words… Bliss?
Our True Nature is one of bliss, peace and infinite unconditional love. This is our True Nature. We cannot attain this because we cannot attain something that is always here. We realize this by letting go of everything that is not it. Everything that is not it, especially and finally the illusion of a separate self, separate from the all. When we let that go there is always bliss because that is our True Nature, that is what we really are. It is not a person. The True Self is the infinite, unlimited ocean that is never separate from anything at all. Every cell in our bodies, every molecule, the space between every molecule is none other than the infinite ocean of the True Self. The vast cosmos our solar system moves in is none other than the infinite ocean of the True Self. There is nothing apart from the True Self. And that is our True Nature. So the experience of this is always great freedom, bliss, peace and love.
It is not an attainment. It is simply letting go what is standing in the way, what is obscuring what is always here. It is good to want this back again, even though you have never for a moment been apart from it. It is your desire to know your True Self. This is a natural and beneficial desire. It is nothing other than the desire to know Truth. Since that is what you are, it is not as difficult as you may think. It is not so much about trying and striving and searching. Although it begins in this way. At some point it is about giving up trying and striving and searching and letting go of the one who is trying, striving, and searching. That has always been the only obstacle to this great freedom and bliss.
Thank you very much for your response? I felt like I died and came back..? ?
Yes, Danny, you are experiencing this that I call Bliss. Eckhart Tolle refers to this as the feeling of Aliveness. Bonnie is correct in directing you not to be attached to it and you are correct in not being attached to it. Just notice it. We cannot force our awareness of these things. It just happens. And eventually we are aware that it is always here.
In the ego state, our conditioned thoughts have greatly limited our experience and awareness of life. Not being fully aware of what life really is in each moment, we take so much for granted. “Yes, I’m alive. That’s obvious. So what?” Yet to experience what that aliveness is is miraculous. So a certain energy is felt in the body. When our attention is focused on this energy it can be quite intense. Eventually, as I say, it is always experienced. When our attention is not on it, it remains in the background. That’s because it is always really here. Although our experience of it may not be. We may become so distracted by our thoughts, thoughts of who I am and what life is, that we no longer experience life as it actually is. And this energy is part of life as it actually is.
It is wonderful you are experiencing this or have experienced this. The awareness of this is part of the awakened state of consciousness. You are simply becoming more aware. Not only of this but of many other things you were not aware of previously. This is why we sometimes call this expanded awareness or expanded consciousness.
We have also opened ourselves to life itself, to the universe. And this also makes more energy available to us. And we have stopped putting the enormous amount of energy we put into thinking about everything. This also makes much more energy available to us. It seems strange at first, even overwhelming, when this much energy is first experienced. It also takes the body a little time and adjustment to accommodate it. But this happens.
Think of it this way, in part, for most of our life we have been directing most of our energy into thinking, analyzing, commenting, judging. So all the energy is focused on thoughts. When this is no longer done, all that energy is available for the whole body. This is natural. But we have gotten used to living in a way that is not natural, but conditioned. So the natural way takes some getting used to.
Whatever energy comes, simply allow it to be. Accept it. Don’t resist. Don’t seek it. Don’t resist it. Just pay attention to what is in each moment.
It feels like you are getting a little precursor, a little sample, of what is when your awareness expands. Bonnie did not give this to you. It didn’t come from outside. She simply helped you open and expand your awareness so suddenly you became aware of what is always here. And that is a great thing. The transmission that come from teachers is not us putting our energy into you. Although it is often interpreted in this way. It is simply giving you permission to be aware of the energy that is always in you.
Just keep paying attention to what is. It is wonderful you are experiencing this. It is a sign of expanding awareness, expanding consciousness. Don’t make it special. Just pay attention. The world of the mind is very different from the world as it is. When we take off the mental shackles and blinders, it’s a whole new world. And yet nothing has really changed and at the same time everything has. The world as it is is hard to describe in words as it is beyond words. It is reality. You are tasting and experiencing the world as it is. It is wonderful, miraculous and because it is so different from the thought-based-world, it takes some getting used to, some settling in. It’s actually far more simple, easier and effortless, but that realization comes a little later, after we get used to it.
It’s like we have gone through our entire life wearing a blindfold, ear plugs and a whole body-suit that limited our ability to feel or sense anything. Then we begin removing these things or punching small holes in them so the light can get in. That’s kind of what waking up is. This experience of feeling the aliveness, the energy, the bliss is like removing the body-suit and now all these sensations of energy that was always here are felt for the first time.
It’s wonderful, isn’t it?
Peterji, i am so grateful for this essay. May i relay an mysterious experience. i attended a series of Zoom sessions with about 20 other people moderated by the very wonderful Bonnie Greenwell. Almost all had been having extraordinary experiences with kundalini. One woman was having active experiences during the sessions and reported she had bliss in her arm. I had never heard of bliss reported that way. i thought as you wrote. its just another word for joy i.e.. I found myself very confused and incredulous. How does one have bliss in the arm?
I dismissed the comment since I didn’t understand this was a physical experience. The next morning when I woke up, there was a strange new sensation in the pit of my abdomen. over the course of the day, it grew to include all body parts except my head and it was quite pleasant, strange but almost as an LSD experience of enhanced body sensations. By the next day, I just wanted to lie in bed and give myself over to it. It peaked over 3 days and gradually diminished but stayed in the body for about 2 weeks as a background pleasant feeling in the body, then it disappeared. It came back again after about 2 weeks. This coming and going occurred over a period of about 5 months and then slowly disappated. Before it left, I had a distinct feeling it traveled up to the head and stayed there for a couple weeks, then it was gone and hasn’t returned. It’s been about 6 months now.
It seemed I, the thinking I had nothing to do with this. It was completely independent of my feelings or state of mind. I could be angry or happy, occupied or meditating. It just was there in the body.
Since I had not done any practice except daily meditation or had any expectations. I must assume it was a transmission of some kind. Do you have any comments. Bonnie told me not to be attached to it and so I have no deep desire for it to return but it was nice to have it there.
I now wonder if earlier experiences described as kundalini was a variation of this bliss thing. It started as a heat flash in the legs. Only occurred during meditation sessions and had a strictly physical fuzzy, static electric effect. There were no distinct energy flows or feelings from the spine. On one occasion it came in intense waves and there were body spasms and kryias. My mind was doing cartwheels wondering am I dying. Is this enlightenment? I was clueless. However this phenomenon disappated after 6 months and a few months before the bliss thing happened. There are no distict body sensations currently, however there is a faint, very subtle feeling. Its still there.
I am still a smuck in spite of all the fireworks, any comments? LOL yours truly