Introduction to the Map
If we are to set out on a journey, it’s a good idea to have a map of where we want to go. If it is a new journey, there are places on the map we have not yet discovered. These places are completely unknown to us. Friends may have described some of these places, but all we really know is that they sound interesting and seem worth directly experiencing. Other places on the map we know pretty well. We’ve spent some time there. And still other places we have only briefly glimpsed through the car window as we passed by.
This map of consciousness is like this. Some places you are very familiar with. It is where you live or where you have lived before you moved on to this new place. Some places you have just had short glimpses of. And other places you have not yet experienced at all.
On our spiritual journey it is important to know where we are and where we used to be. Where we used to be is the state of consciousness we transcended to get to the state of consciousness we live in now. Where we are is the state of consciousness we live in now. There are also states of consciousness we have had brief glimpses of in meditation, on retreats, while reading a spiritual book or just in daily life. These are brief glimpses of a higher state of consciousness but they have not yet become the state of consciousness we live in. And then there are still higher states of consciousness we have not yet experienced at all.
This map is useful to show us where we are, where we have been and where we are going. States of consciousness are more dynamic than physical places on a map. Even in the very beginning of our journey, we may have powerful glimpses of very advanced stages. In Zen, we often call these brief experiences Kensho or Satori. Because these glimpses of our True Nature have not yet been integrated, they are usually very short and not yet our day-to-day experience. This makes a map like this, along with the advice and practices for each stage, particularly useful.
It should be obvious that we can only describe where we are and where we have been. Where we have yet to be we cannot describe, just as on a physical map. We can describe the brief glimpses we had through the car windows in passing, but these will be limited and superficial. We’re actually pretty good at describing and understanding where we used to be from the higher vantage point of where we are now. We’re actually not that good at describing and understanding where we are now when it comes to consciousness. And we’re much less capable of understanding those brief glimpses. Limited as it is, this makes a map like this quite useful.
Don’t think of these as hierarchies or any form of judgments. Higher and lower are just words. To the awakened mind, they have no meaning. I use the words higher or lower because it makes it easier to understand. At some point in consciousness, the meaning of language falls away. Certainly in Oneness, all hierarchies must dissolve.
You Are Already at the Final Destination
And here’s something very important to realize. You are already at the highest state of consciousness. In fact, you are this highest state of consciousness. This is what you truly are, your True Self, although you may not be aware of it yet. And that’s what the map is for, to show you what you already are but simply are not consciously aware of yet. The truth is you are already at the final destination. The map is just one of several tools to help you realize this. Even this map cannot show you what the final destination actually is if there even is one. Like all journeys, the spiritual journey is an ongoing process that has no end.
You can view this map in two ways. You can see it from Stage One, The Dream, to Stage Seven, Living Awake, as the progression you are taking to realize what you truly are. Or you can view it from Stage Seven to Stage One to begin with what you truly are and see the various stages that obscure this but are always included in it. Look for where you currently are on this map and where you have already been. It will be easy to see where you are because where you have been will be very clear. Where you are may be a little less clear. We always see the previous stage in our evolution with more clarity than the stage we are on. Also notice the stages you have had brief glimpses of from time to time but do not live at yet. Everything comes from pure consciousness, so it is natural to have glimpses of higher stages of consciousness even though that is not your normal day-to-day experience. These brief glimpses show you where you are heading.
At each higher level of consciousness you will experience greater freedom, spaciousness, inner silence and stillness, peace, love leading to unconditional love and happiness leading eventually to bliss. Each higher level of consciousness comes from surrendering the limitations and restrictions of the current level of consciousness. The path of awakening is a continuous letting go. Beginning in Stage One, Consciousness as Ego / The Dream, specific meditation practices help us move to the next stage. By Stage Four, Consciousness as Love / Something More, meditation becomes a natural part of living rather than something we do. It becomes more of our natural state.
Click here for the Map of Consciousness
1/27/ 22, I was watching a lecture on “The theory of everything… (physics) then in my head I saw a few images… The main one was a cascade of tiles falling into my head with all of existence…
I’ve been translating existence from Nature into human understanding…
Time, Gravity, Human nature… Everything… I’ve been posting my new Theory of Existence in relevant facebook groups… 99% agree with my new theory of gravity and time as well as as other areas of study… I’m a high school drop out and have no real clue what to do with all this truth of existence… So now what?
Now what?
Welllll as synchronicty goes….I had been seeing rings ALOT. I found your site on my journey toward discovering the meaning of the rings
So I see…energetically a flat stoned path in a garden or perhaps a forest. It feels as if it is a message to stroll along here, no rapid study, no dire need to reach a goal. Just feels peaceful here. Perhaps it is simply the vibe you created here. So, I will stroll, sit, ground, rest…and Be.
Thank you, Brenda. That sounds like an excellent plan.
Я не знаю, що робити, я сидів і думав про життя і смерть і впав в деякій транс, а після того, як я вийшов з ним, я відчув різкий жар в тілі і після цього я не можу зрозуміти, чому я існує наш світ існує дуже давно, не 1000 і не 2000 років, а кілька десятків і мільярдів років, і разом зі світом ми існуємо і живемо не більше 100 і більше років, навіщо я існу, для чого я існу, що потрібен цей світ від мене, що це за світ такий, я тут, я цього всього не розумію.Хто ми такі? Це жарт жалюгідного існування хтось пожартував так увязнивши наші душі в цих тілах?
Sorry, I cannot read this. My ignorance.
Really really insightful!
I first started gaining awareness of this journey at the start of the pandemic when I had a lot of unstructured alone time. It all began with an online pdf called “The Present” that someone recommended vía YouTube comment.
From there I have explored lots of developments and growth — recently had an experience of reawakening where I feel rather blissful in the last day or so.
Blessings to everyone who reads this!
Lovely. Thank you, Gale.
Hi Peter, I had a spontaneous awakening 3 years ago. It struck me like a bolt of lightening at the back of my neck. It took me by total surprise and collapsed my mind. Since then I have bliss energy which has never gone away. I get it first thing in the morning and in the evening. I could stay in it all day but have to pull my self out of it to function in the world. My question is how do I continue to evolve from this state. I feel that there is no one I can talk to about this and am finding it more and more difficult to function, as I just want to learn more about the inner journey. Kind regards Pauline.
Hi Pauline, what we think of as functioning may not be functioning in a healthy and beneficial way. To be normal in an abnormal, illusionary world is not healthy or beneficial. The bliss you experience if it has nothing to do with thoughts is the energy of truth. It is our natural state of being. Truth, freedom, bliss, peace, unconditional love, all are our natural state of being and all are beyond any thoughts we have about them, as are we.
Relax. Let go. Be. Let go of even letting go. The evolution we are seeking is always here in this present moment and always has been even if we were completely unaware of it. We are far more than we can imagine. Only the illusion of conditioned thought keeps us from realizing our true, infinite, eternal nature. Relax. Stop trying. Stop seeking. Let go of even letting go. Just be. It is all here and always has been.
Hi Pauline,
It is a challenging journey because we are waking up from a dream. The dream is not real, even though we all believe it is. So waking up from it brings some interesting experiences. Just ride with it and allow it to show you the way.
hello, how is your evolution goin? Mine is now automated… I was moving in my mind at the speed of light until I took control of it… I am balance within now. whenever I gather new info I just move on to the next thing… Time, Gravity, Human nature all finished all packaged up in my head in focus points to cascade all truth of existence as needed… as other focus points are evolving my being in all truth and understanding… I’ve been translating nature into human understanding… That energy feeling was huge in me… from my head and chest, out into my arms and hands… I pushed it into my back and now the energy flows from my head down my back bone and out my feet and out… I have looked so far now that I feel like an absurd notion… and no one gives a… whoot… So anyway… I just though this maybe look like advise… 🙂 peace!
Your chakras are all working harmoniously. It’s so nice to hear there are others out there going through this same beautiful evolution. The most frustrating aspects are the lack of concern or excitement from others and my inability to find a place for this new me in an old tattered world. I am glad this forum exists and I’m going to suggest we consider combining spirits in one room sometime. I am sick of trekking this journey alone
It’s nice to meet fellow travelers. In the end, there are no others. There is only this inconceivable One, and we are all This. But it’s still lovely to meet fellow travelers in the dream. Thank you.
How can I connect to you? Have something to discuss with you.
Hi Sarika. Send an email through the contact page.
I am you . .
we all are one
you showed me
Have read nearly all your books in your reading list from ‘the place’ vibrating gently through my energy field
Awake now . . really awake . . with you . .in heartness
It is wonderful
Thank you
goodbye pain and suffering
hello to reality
thank you ego for pointing me here and standing back to let this through
I love you for that ego . . and for looking after my safety all these years doing what you ‘thought’ was best
Peter . . its wonderful isn’t it
I can calm down now . .I think . . smiles
Wonderful, Chris. Thank you for sharing this with me and others.
Wow! So well put, food for thought!
Thank you !??
Thank you, Pauline.
Enlightenment is mysterious, is dreams come true, the end of suffering, the begin of awakening.
These words mirror exactly my own observations
Wonderful, John. I am happy for this. Thank you.